Villa del Bene
The complex of Villa del Bene is set in Verona province, in the historic center of Volargne, on the Adige River's banks. The villa, which is composed of many buildings, dates back to the 15th century and it has been completed in 1560. The palace, with the surrounding buildings and lands, during the first half of the16th century, belonged to Antonio Malfatti, who sold it to Giovanni del Bene. He restructured it and painted it also inside.
The building has a majestic entry portal, already attributed to Michele Sammicheli. This portal is the symbol of the hospitality of the villa and it looks out on the Trentina street and also to the eastern bank of Adige river, to which the complex was connected by a double row of cypress trees and where there was a private pier of Del Bene family. The portal has two different functions, the esternal part has a rapprasentative function and the internal part has a private one and symbolizes also the passage from the human being to the God.
Opening times
The villa is open to the public on Sundays:
- from April to September from 2:00pm to 7:00pm (last entrance at 6:00)
- from October to March from 2:00pm to 6:00pm (last entrance 5:00)
It's possible to reserve the visit (booking in advance required min. 2 days before) contacting at the telephon number or at the e-mai adress at the top of this page.
Villa del Bene
Via Villa del Bene, 116 ( Directions )
Tel: +39 045 8531196