Plates on the way Marconi
A small plaque commemorates this episode of the Second World War: three young men were arrested on October 31, 1944, as deserters of the Republican army, on the bridge that crosses the Adige in Legnago. They were then immediately locked up in the prisons of the Legnaghese section of the Black Brigade. Later, the three of them defined a plan for the escape, but they were victims of the report of a German soldier who knew Italian. The command of the Black Brigade let them do it. While, in the middle of the night, the three tried to climb over the wall of the barracks, they were mowed down by a fan of a machine gun. The bodies were handed over to the cemetery caretaker and buried without a coffin and without a name, with only the numbers 648, 649, 650.. Today their names are remembered by a plaque halfway down Via Marconi.
Opening times
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Plates on the way Marconi
Via Marconi 11