Parish Church of San Giovanni Battista
Built by Donato de Lugo in 1485 on the foundations of a previous place of worship, the church of San Giovanni Battista in Velo Veronese was erected as a parish church in 1529 and then enlarged between 1885 and 1890, while the bell tower, which abuts the northern side of the church, dates from the period 1938–1940. The building has a dual façade, with the main west-facing façade rarely used today, while the side façade facing north is now the main entrance. Inside, the naves with cross vaults, the apse room, the presbytery and the flooring showcase the expert mastery of ancient 'architects' in the use of 'rosso ammonitico' stone, multicoloured marble, and wood. Outside the church, it is worth taking a look at several marble plaques indicating the prices of wheat: evidence that the square was once home to a market. As you proceed towards the square you will also find a cross, formerly situated next to the church's bell tower. It is known as the 'black cross' as it was built as a votive against the plague, and it depicts Saint Charles Borromeo and the motifs of the Passion.
Opening times
To find out Mass times, see the website:
Parish Church of San Giovanni Battista
Piazza della Vittoria ( Directions )