Palazzo del Capitanio
- RATE_4
The palace, also called of Cansignorio, was a scaliger home already since the 13th century and it was reconstructed by Cansignorio in the second half of the 14the century. Actually, the building came up within a group of buildings of different ages and used for several different purposes of which some traces can still be seen. It was restored at the end of the 800s to be used as court-offices.
The palace showes a scaliger massive tower, a beautiful portal by Michele Sanmicheli, a central courtyard of the 15th century, closed and boarded by a loggia to three orders with an ancade.
See also the door of the Bombardieri, of the 17th century.
Opening times
Closed to the public.Contact
Palazzo del Capitanio
Piazza dei Signori, 22 ( Directions )