Palazzo Barbieri
- RATE_3
Located on the east side of Piazza Bra, next to the Arena, it is also called "Palazzo del Comune", as it has been the town hall since 1874.
It was built in 1838, designed by the architect and engineer Barbieri, with the function of Austrian military barracks (the original name is, in fact, "Gran Guardia Nuova"). It is a building of remarkable dimensions, in neoclassical style, which recalls in its shapes a Roman temple: in fact it has a Corinthian colonnade and pronaos and a large triangular pediment.
The Sala Arazzi, which contains two great masterpieces of the end of the sixteenth century, stands out in particular: "La vittoria dei Veronesi a Vaccaldo su Federico Barbarossa", by Paolo Farinati, and "Cena in casa Levi" or "Cena in casa del Fariseo", by the workshop of Paolo Caliari, known as the Veronese, and recently attributed by critics to Benedetto and Carletto Caliari and the Sala del Consiglio, with the illustration of the painting "Vittoria dei Veronesi sui Benacesi" by Felice Riccio, known as Brusasorzi and with the fresco "Cristo crocifisso tra la Madonna e San Giovanni" by an unknown author.
Sala degli Arazzi, located on the main floor of Palazzo Barbieri, can also host wedding ceremonies. The reservation made refers exclusively to the room chosen for the indicated time. The access route to the hall is defined due to the concomitance of events and manifestations and may be subject to changes even at the last moment.
Palazzo Barbieri
Piazza Bra, 1 ( Directions )
Tel: +39 045 807 7111