Abbigliamento Tre Erre Sposi e Cerimonia
The interiors are characterized by large open areas and have been repeatedly modernized in order to meet the retail and exhibition's needs. There are still elements of the original shop, such as the floor and several shop windows, dating back to the construction of the building.
The main entrance is characterized by a simple, stylized facade, such as the metal transverse handle. The retention of the original shop window frames, which are limited to color maintenance, makes it possible to preserve the original rationalist architectural organization, so typical of the first three decades of the 20th Century.
Interesting facts: since 2005 the upstairs have a workshop exclusively dedicated to the tailoring of wedding dresses.
Opening year: 1961
Abbigliamento Tre Erre Sposi e Cerimonia
Via Paglieri 1, angolo piazza Cittadella ( Directions )
Tel: +39 045 8032253