Granfondo Tre Valli
The Granfondo Tre Valli route winds around Tregnago, a town in the Alta Val d'Illasi on the slopes of eastern Lessinia, rich in history, religious archaeology and traditions. An undulating route taking in woods, churches, fortresses and castles, climbing to a maximum altitude of 780 metres on a network of paths and mule tracks. It then descends towards the municipalities of Illasi and Cazzano di Tramigna, among manor houses and ancient courtyards surrounded by cherry trees, vineyards and olive groves responsible for producing delicacies such as Amarone Classico wine and a prized olive oil. Finally, the route climbs gently to reach the slopes of the west side of the Valle di Mezzane. The spectacular view – the Piccole Dolomiti and Monti Lessini to the north and the lush Veronese plain to the south – makes the moderate effort well worth it. This 43 km route is mainly suitable for mountain biking. The area around Tregnago is worth a visit for the castles of Tregnago and Illasi, for the wash houses of Marcemigo and Cogollo, and for the numerous churches and capitals including the ancient parish church of Calavena (Chiesa della Disciplina) and the villas dating back to the 15th and 16th centuries.
Km: 43
Climb: 1,300 metres
Departure point: Tregnago
Granfondo Tre Valli
Via Fabbrica ( Directions )