Ciclabile sinistra Adige Verona - Soave
From the historic center of Verona, this route follows the banks of the Adige river, until you get to Pontoncello Park. It is a natural oasis along the Adige river that has an extension of 530 thousand square meters of protected land and forms a triangle between Giaron (San Martino Buon Albergo), Ausetto (San Giovanni Lupatoto) and Pontoncello (Zevio). Of equally high value is the floristic component, both arboreal, especially willow and black poplar, both shrub, (elder and ivy), and herbaceous, including artemisia, stellaria and nettle. It is also a recreational area of absolute value, which allows you to spend moments of serenity listening to the river, birds and the forest. After Zevio, in which you will be immersed in the apple orchards of the Verona apple, you will arrive in Belfiore, where the countryside continues to Ronco all'Adige and then turn towards Arcole. Here the history of Napoleon’s battles awaits you at the Museum of Arcole, open on Sundays. Still following the canals, among cultivated fields of apples and asparagus, you get to San Bonifacio, up to the medieval village of Soave.
Length: 48 km
Departure: Verona historic centre
Arrival: IAT Est Veronese, Piazza Foro Boario in Soave
Difficulty: Easy
Period: All year round
Ciclabile sinistra Adige Verona - Soave
Piazza Foro Boario, 1 ( Directions )
Tel: +39 045 6939887