Ingresso Basilica di San Zeno
What strikes the visitor most is the warm colours of the façade, due to the alternated use of tufa stone and bricks.
The façade, ideally enclosed on the left by the tower of the early monastery (13th century) and on the right by the slender bell tower (12th century), is suggestive in its colors, harmonious in its perfect architectural linee, sober and graceful in its decoration: it shows the influence of Lombard-Emilian architecture in the Veneto.
The original nucleus of the complex has been identified in the church and convent that rose on the Roman and later an early Christian burial ground near the Via Gallica.
The church and convent had been built on the spot where the Saint had been buried.
Chiese Vive
Piazza San Zeno, 2 - Verona ( Directions )
Tel: (0039) 045 592813