FAI Spring Days
22 March 2025 h 09:00Povegliano Veronese, Varie location in Provincia di Verona
Upcoming appointments
- 23 March 2025
Thirty-third edition of the FAI SPRING DAYS: on Saturday, March 22 and Sunday, March 23, 2025, more than 750 unique places will be open across Italy, to be discovered through extraordinary visits.
The great initiative supporting art and nature returns, set in hundreds of sites - palaces, churches, castles... - often inaccessible and exceptionally available to the public.
The volunteers of the Foundation will be present with their enthusiasm and energy to open to the public hundreds of special places, selected for their worthiness to be known and appreciated; in many of these locations, visits will be offered - with optional contributions - that will allow participants to grasp the splendor of the cities we live in and the territories that surround us.
The FAI Verona delegation, on the occasion of the 33rd FAI Spring Day, proposes the visit of four sites in the province usually inaccessible: the Prun Quarries, Villa Salvaterra in Negrar, the former Hawk 10 Missile Base in Povegliano Veronese, and the Fortress in Nogarole Rocca.
The visits are organized by the FAI Young Group of Verona, the FAI Delegation of Verona, students from the University of Verona, and volunteers from the involved associations.
FAI Fondo Ambiente Italiano
Via Torneghiso
Web: http://www.giornatefai.it
Mail: info@fondoambiente.it
Tel: (0039) 02 4676151
Additional infos
More information about the visits:
PRUN STONE QUARRIES: https://fondoambiente.it/luoghi/cave-di-pietra-di-prun
SALVATERRA VILLA IN NEGRAR: https://fondoambiente.it/luoghi/villa-salvaterra
HAWK 10 FORMER MISSILE BASE IN POVEGLIANO VERONESE: https://fondoambiente.it/luoghi/ex-base-missilistica-hawk-10
FORTRESS IN NOGAROLE ROCCA: https://fondoambiente.it/luoghi/rocca-di-nogarole