Carnival of 495° Bacanal del Gnoco
20 September 2025 h 19:30P.zze Bra, San Zeno, Dante e Gran Guardia
The very famous Verona Carnival returns to cheer up the city from Monday 6th January!
The opening of the event is scheduled at 10.00 a.m. in Piazza San Zeno.
Sunday 19th special election of the Papa del Gnoco, gathered in a conclave composed of 21 persons that had wear the mask of the city in the past, in Piazza San Zeno, who will elect the new successor and then the official coronation on Tuesday 23rd at the Palazzo della Gran Guardia, where a great event with important guests from Verona is scheduled.
The most awaited event, the traditional parade of the "venardì gnocolar", which this year has reached its 495th edition, will be held on Friday 28th February at 2.00 p.m.; in the late afternoon the show continues in Piazza San Zeno.
The festivities continue on Saturday 1st March with Sabato filippinato and the "Big Ball", while Sunday 2nd March at 2 p.m. takes place the traditional historical Cavalcata of Tomaso Da Vico in which a hundred horses will accompany the Papa del Gnoco from Castelvecchio to Piazza San Zeno to sanction the end of the carnival festivities.
In Piazza Dante, the Last Kid's Carnival is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday, with the participation of street artists, make-up children and mascots on tour.
From March 7th to 30th, the “Villaggio delle Tradizioni – Carnival of Verona” returns to the former Summer Gardens in Via Colombo, where you can find all the culinary traditions of our territory as well as workshops, events and live music.
But it's not over: Sunday 9 March in the afternoon there is the parade of Madonna Verona and the Verona masks in Piazza Erbe; Sunday 27 June from 12.00 p.m. traditional lunch to close this year edition and finally Saturday 20 September closes the Carnival the Maccheronicum Convivio Gnoccolarum, in Piazza San Zeno.
Comitato Carnevale Bacanal del Gnoco
Tel: (0039) 045 592829